January 15, 2025 -

Small enough to know you. Large enough to serve you.

2022-2023 Give From the Heart – Membership

During June of 2022, the following letter was mailed to all 2021-2022 members of Manetto Hill Jewish Center.  The letter explains the Give From the Heart Sustaining Annual Pledge and how it was calculated.  Please remember that this value is based upon Manetto Hill Jewish Center’s budgeted expenses for 2022-2023.  We are asking you to think about what Manetto Hill Jewish Center means to you and your family, and make a pledge based upon that importance and what your finances permit.

Also included in the letter was a Sustaining Pledge card.  You were asked to fill out that card and send it back to our Main Office.  To make it easier for you, you can fill out the form below in lieu of mailing the card back to Manetto Hill Jewish Center.  If you will pay your pledge by check, please send that in by July 1.  We are excited to present this program to you and welcome you to 2022-2023.


Dear valued member,

We are so excited to welcome you to the 2022-2023 year at Manetto Hill Jewish Center.  Last year, we ran a wide array of programs ranging from coffee houses to vendor fairs.  Our Religious School implemented a new innovative learning structure, and our children showed us the joy of exploring our Jewish Heritage.  Our shul opened its doors to kiddushes again, and we were able to experience the joy of praying together.  We are excited to share with you what is planned for next year.

Enclosed with this letter is your Annual Sustaining Pledge Card for 2022-2023.  As presented and agreed to by the congregation, we are pleased to introduce Give From the HeartGive From the Heart is exactly what it means. We are asking you to look deep in your heart and think about what Manetto Hill Jewish Center means to you and what your finances permit.

To that end, the calculated Sustaining Annual Pledge is $2878.  This was calculated using the following method:

  • $493,036 – Total Projected Expenses for 2022/2023
  • Subtract the following
    • $41,990 – Projected Religious School Income
    • $47,358 – Projected Fundraising Income and Expense
    • $360 – Pledged Directed Donation for Time for You Cafe
    • $450 – Memorial Plaque Expenses
  • Subtotal = $402,878
  • Divided by the Expected Number of Congregant Families – 140 = $2878 = Sustaining Pledge Amount

The Sustaining Annual Pledge is fairly close to last year’s full family dues and fees total of $2710.  We hope that this guidance gives you some ideas on what it takes to operate our synagogue, but with the understanding that some families will give more and others less and that we expect that the average will be the Sustaining Annual Pledge.  The final decision is yours.  We ask you to Give From the Heart.

Religious School, Sisterhood and Men’s Club will continue to be billed separately.

We are so excited to see what we can do next year.  Please return the enclosed pledge card and Give From the Heart.  You can also use this link for online registration: https://www.manettohilljc.org/gfth2223/.

Have a happy and healthy summer.

Best regards,

Russ Blatt, President

Sarah Rabinovici, VP for Membership

Give From the Heart Sustaining Pledge

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Manetto Hill Jewish Center
244 Manetto Hill Road, Plainview, NY 11803
516-935-5454|Email Us